Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thelma & Louise, an analytical reading

Made in 1991, this movie has 80's culture caked on top of the 90's hope. Hope for what? That's the question, isn't it?

This is one of those, "it wasn't our fault," adventure stories. Thelma and Louise just wanted a weekend vacation. What they got was trouble, trouble, and then more trouble on top of that. The thing is, these characters weren't really living until they were living the "wrong" way.

These women managed to completely transcend gender roles from one end of the spectrum to the other in the movie. In the beginning they were ladylike, naive, and feminine. At the end, they were the men they had needed or not needed in their lives. They had become that which they were denied.

I really liked this movie. It was a classic action formula with a feminist twist. It wasn't an advocacy for gender equality so much as it was an advocacy for respect.

The bottom line is that on a cliff, when push comes to shove it's all or nothing.