Wednesday, September 2, 2009

'An Introduction to Cultural Studies'

...except that I've never been involved in an introduction which lasted so long. I don't mind long, extensive reading, but I would like to feel like I'm learning something. I came away with very little from this. Sure when I go back after reflection and do some spot re-reading I'll probably understand it better, but I feel a little inadequate right now.

I'm sure this man, Chris Barker, is brilliant. I got that. I also understood what he said that cultural studies is sort of like a melting pot of theories and disciplines. What I did not understand, however, was the necessity for the immense emphasis on postmodernism and poststructuralism. It felt as though they were unfairly represented - especially for an introductory chapter.

By the way, is he so postmodern that he can't speak English? Really?

I'm not an idiot, and I'm not lazy. I spent a lot of time on this reading, so maybe my thickheadedness is due to being inundated with so much information and studying - such is the lament of many a student.

I expect that once the class and professor discusses this, I'll have a better understanding and appreciation of this. I probably just haven't had enough time to digest this.

That said, what I did understand in the reading and therefore about cultural studies in general thus far, is eerily well represented in this random picture I came across. It's from a site called and I believe it was originally made or used in conjuction with an article about physics. However, I see a strong representation of cultural studies in this picture. There are things on the outside looking in, there are things on the outside looking out, the main mass is being suspended in midair and we have no idea how it is being suspended. Also, the more you study it, the more you understand it.
That's it for now. I will write again soon.
No, seriously. I'm being graded.

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